Will you comprehend?

2 days ago (29 December 2014), a boy named Ali was hit and run by a Jewish settler in al-Khalil, he was rushed to Bersheeba Hospital for emergency treatment.
News by: Aqsa Syarif,

I read all the comments, and some of the 'top comments' are anti Jewish.

Keturunan yahudi mmg kejam... diorg x mau islam berkembang... sbb tu dorg suka bunuh kanak2...

Memang yahudi ni laknat betol... Kenape dunia tidak mengutok perbuatan zionist israel laknatullah.. Yahudi adalah pengganas yg zalim di dunia....

 Yahudi x akan pernah jadi baik...

For me this is a serious serious misunderstanding. This is not new. I have been seeing the trend for some time.

Dear Malaysians, we really need to understand the difference between Zionist and Jew.

Zionist is an ideology and then became a political movement, ironically supported more by the Christians than the Jews themselves. It calls for the national homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, or specifically the hill of Zion where the temple of Zion was built. ideologically and the reality on the ground denotes clearly that Zionism does not allow religions and races other than them to live freely. Zionism are based on racialism and occupation.

During the early 20th century when the idea of Jewish nationality became known and public, firstly during the 1st Zionist Conference at Basel, Switzerland on 1987, it was dismissed and rejected by the majority of Jews, despite anti-Semitism were brewing in Europe and Russia. It was obvious when Edwin Samuel Montagu, the only Jewish Member of Parliament (MP) during the time opposed the Balfour Declaration 1917, saying that it will be impossible to have a Jewish land without the local Palestinians being marginalized. However, by the passing of time and occurence of events, particularly the Nazis holocaust had gained sympathy and support from Europe and United States.

 While Jew is an exclusive race based religion, we believed have deviated from the true faith as Christian. Jews came from the descendents of Prophet Ya'kub alaihisalam or also known as Israel.

Hating the Jews because they are Jews are racist, bigotry and not of the teachings of Islam. What then differs us than the Zionists who killed Palestinians because they are Palestinians? Islam is not a religion of hatred. Even when we read historical books, articles and watching lectures from various scholars, Muslims and Jews have a fairly good relation for centuries, far better than when the Jews were under the Babylonians, Romans and Crusades. Jews also flourished under the Muslim rule. We shouldn't be surprised to hear Yemeni Jews, Moroccan Jews, Jews around the Middle East which was once the Muslim Caliphate.

We went enraged when Islam are blamed for a minority committing terrorism and crimes in the name of Islam, but we without doubt calling people to hate the Jews for what the Zionists and atheists did on the name of Judaism.

Why is this double standard? Opposing injustice require a fair understanding for us not to become the oppressors themselves.


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