How's IIUM?

Best Bro~

Yeah,first thing I would say is,"alhamdulillah"

Why not,this is the gateway to the garden of Knowledge and Virtue.

For the first one month being here,it does feel like home,as it has;

1.Humans.Of coz la.Or else I might be at Planet Mars(cynically some say he an ape?)-_-'

2.Television and lots of them!Anywhere you go,one thing that u can easily find is the one eyed baby Dajjal~anywhere!(for me je kot.Others might say,"eleh mamat ni tv un nk kecoh!")

3.Kiosks,Cafes,Restaurants,Bistro.There should be no problem for you to find a place to eat.BUT,without sufficient money,you might end up fasting everyday..Alhamdulillah.

However,the downside is it never feels like home.Why??

1.Internet,Wifi,Broadband.Registering for CFSIIUM Wifi is *almost* useless(for now).As it is provided free to all students,the speed also went very very very slow yaa ampun~!!A couple of my roommates are currently using Maxis & Celcom Broadband respectively.As good as its' connection,the price is not cheap. RM95/month,RM45/month??Nope,until I got my scholarships next month.(kedekut punye kes la nie.hehe)

2.SO WARM.This is not about warm SMILE,warm GREETING,warm HUG,or any other proverbs thing which I can't ever deny it was a tradition during Taaruf Week.
This is about GLOBAL WARMING! It feels very warm that I never ever used my blanket,as I'd done in ALL previous(secondary) schools.You just don't even need it.Every morning I would feel uncomfortable;with already drying sweat all over my body alongside small fans with little help,causing me to get some refreshing bath whenever it is already Subuh or not (almost) every day.Say Nay to GLOBAL WARMING!!Oo Allah Save Our Planet from the destructions of these filthy hands!!

3.No parents.Yeay~!This could be seen as a good opportunity to be independent,more matured and learn to become a responsible man.Also (for some others), a great chance to do anything we ever craved for.Whatever things we aren't allowed at home,here,from 'hell to heaven',Jannatul Nafsu~~

4.Lots of friends around you.You will never get this at home,unless you have such a big,tremendous and humongous family.Everyone of us is a friend to another. Either one is a student,a lecturer, an office staff,a janitor,a gardener,or even the akak kantin.We are all brothers and sisters(unless there are the middle ones,naudzubillah)

"Ukhuwwah yang paling rendah ialah husnuzdzon (baik sangka) dan setinggi-tinggi ukhuwwah ialah ITHAR(mendahulukan yg lain)  "

Dan berpeganglah kamu semuanya kepada tali (agama) Allah, dan janganlah kamu bercerai berai. (QS 3: 1)

InshaAllah,I will take a 1 1/2 year programme for LAWS at cfsiium pj.Pray for me,remember me in your du'a.Jazakallahu Khairan Kathiraa.

Oh,one more thing,
If u r 2 steps away from taking ablution at the pipe at the masjid during Jumaat prayer,then an old man patted behind you,asked to use it first,as others is full.What would you do?

(answer:next post hehe)insyaAllah.

Barakallahu Fikum.


  1. i like this post.juz dunno why.myb de pics kot.hehe

  2. wah2..mcm best je...nk p situ jgk la..huhu..

    ada soalan..xnk jwb..tunggu jwpn next post..haha..(spa sruh kata ada jwpn next post) :p

    smoga dpt blaja dgn baik..smoga dipermudahkan sgala urusan..smoga ilmu yg dipelajari mudah difahami dan diberkati..InsyaAllah..
    blajo rajin2 yer Adib.. ^_^

  3. "oh,please.." while smiling and gesturing to the pipe. :)


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