Salaka Tariqan
Abdullah ibn Abbas ra would be waiting in front of the house of a sahabah, until he slept and covered in dust just to learn a hadith from him.
Jabir ibn Abdillah ra travelled for 1 month going plus 1 month back just to listen to a hadith.
Imam Malik rah took 35 years to write al-Muwatto', but his students only took a week to wrote down his notes.
Today we could have access to knowledge more than imam as-Syafie and imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal rah could ever been.
How would these experiences impacted them?
Today everything can be googled, purchased on the go and downloaded in pdf and whatnot.
We sometimes forget that part of teaching is to istil adab.
It's really not about the amount of knowledge we have or the gigabytes of soft copy we keep in our hard disks, but the hardships, sacrifice and struggle to gain 'ilm will make us appreciate more.
To adik-adik yang masih belajar di kuliah, make an effort to come to class. Its a huge amanah.
Whoever goes through a road to gain knowledge, Allah will ease his journey towards jannah.
Sekian dari abam tahun 6 atas.
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